Blogger Tips - Get This Gadget
If you think 0.5$ or 1$ for a single 500-word article is already enough to compensate article writers, well think again. Try writing a quality, SEO optimized, emotionally engaging 500-word article and tell me if you are cool being paid with 0.5$ to 1$ per accomplished work. I just recently saw a job post in an online outsourcing site (will not be mentioned) looking for article writers in the Philippines and is willing to pay 4$ an hour. I said to myself, 4$ an hour is a great compensation for starters, but here’s the catch, you have to write 5 to 6 SEO quality 500-word articles in an hour for you to be paid 4$ in that said hour. Can you imagine yourself writing 5 to 6 SEO Optimized, 100% original and High quality articles in an hour(unless you are using article spinners with super low quality, non-sense articles)? Doing the Math (I will do it for you, I know some of you hates Math) that would be 0.67$ to 0.8$ an article or that is equivalent to 32$ in a day’s work. 32-dollar-a-day work? That’s not bad, that’s great! But then again, before you will be paid with 32$ you have to deliver 40 articles in that same day for 8 hours.
Oh c’mon why are you bugging yourself, we need money, and any amount will do even for a dollar an hour. Again will stress out the amount of work and effort versus the compensation is not balanced. I wrote this to express three things:
First: Writing an article is not an easy task. You need to be very creative and takes years of practice to master a good command in vocabulary, grammar and spelling. Even professional high-paid editors also commit mistakes, just compare ourselves. If you (addressing to outsourcing employers and clients) are looking for an ace writer who can deliver a high quality, 100% original and SEO optimized articles then pay them fairly. Pay them bad, and you will reap what you deserve.
Second: Articles or contents can be compared to the main course dish in a fine dining setting. It is the reason why search engines index your site, the reason why visitors go to your site giving volumes of traffic that will eventually be converted into leads and from leads into customers and customers into profit. In short, articles (quality or not) are your source of a long-term residual income as long as you keep your site up and running. So it is only fair enough to pay your writers well since you(referring to outsourcing employers) will having the full rights of the articles created, and you will eventually receive residual and even exponential income out from it.
Lastly, In conclusion, Article writers in the Philippines seemed to be so underpaid. The average rate in outsourcing sites for article writers ranges between 1$ to 2.5$ depending on the length. I am not against per result or per article basis of payment; it is just that, it is way too degrading especially for ace writers who can produce top quality articles. I just can’t imagine people pays 0.5$ per 500-word or more article and expects so much from it.
And because of stiff competition and unemployment, even ace article writers are forced to accept offers for such amount. Writing with twisted fingers is such an agony for writers like me, good thing I am compensated well, but how about those talented newbies? The solution for such a pain you ask? Well online ninja’s don’t do these and should not be doing these, continue reading here.
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