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We will be giving you 3 reasons how significant article re-writing is and why it is important to do it correctly.
1. Creation of a New Content for Article Directories. When you are on to article marketing, one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site is to submit articles in article directories like Ezine, Hubpages, Goarticles, eHow and many more. But Google is inspecting the contents submitted for plagiarism or duplication. In order to avoid being indexed by Google as “irrelevant”, “duplicate”, “copy-cat”, “second-rate” it is best to re-write the original article that you posted on your site and submit it to different article directories. Try at
least two revisions of the article then submit it all over various directories.
2. Time Saver. Indeed, copy-pasting other people’s work saves time but it is totally a big sin, both in the eyes of man and God. If you don’t know it, it is called Plagiarism. You may re-write other people’s work. How is it better than copy-pasting? You a
re not copying verbatim but you are copying thought by thought. It is considered as a way of appreciating others’ work.
3. Production of a High Quality Content. Re-writing two or more articles and combining them to make a one whole new article could lead to a highly informative. Two heads is better than one right? So a combination of more than two articles
could also mean merging of various thoughts into one.
These are just 3 simple reasons why you should re-write articles. Just a thought, re-writing is not a form of Plagiarism. It is simply referring to an original article to create a new content while preserving the idea. Reminder, make sure that when re-writing an article, you should be very careful not to copy-paste even just a single sentence. Even a single sentence can be detected by anti-plagiarism or plagiarism-detecting software and web services like Copyscape.
You might also want to learn “5 Fast and Effective Re-Writing Tips” which will give you 5 simple ways to effectively re-write an article.
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